Turkey Tail, Chaga, Cordyceps, Phellinus, Maitake Mushroom Extract, Reishi Mushroom Extract, Shiitake Mushroom Extract. No preservatives, fillers, binders or flavorings.
Turkey tail is a mushroom that grows on dead logs all around the world. Its Latin name is Trametes versicolor or Coriolus versicolor. Versicolor means of many colors. And that’s because turkey tail has colored rings that look a lot like the tail of a turkey. In Japan, turkey tail is called kawaratake, which means cloud mushroom. There are quite a few strains of Trametes, but turkey tail in particular is of interest to scientists and herbalists. Turkey tail has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries to reduce phlegm, clear dampness, increase energy and boost the immune system. In traditional Chinese medicine, it’s called Yun Zhi.
Chaga grows naturally on birch trees. That's why we grow our chaga mushrooms sustainably, on native materials. Research suggests chaga may be able to help regulate and boost the production of cytokines. Cytokines are essential to the immune system ... and a good immune system can help fight off infection and disease.
Cordyceps are full of antioxidants. Cordyceps are known to help boost physical performance and may support a healthy heart.
Phellinus There's a lot of research in Korea showing Phellinus is a potent immune modulating mushroom. It can stimulate the immune system and protect against illness.